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Legal Desclaimer

Neither TradingRoad Limited nor any of its agents or contractors shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages including loss of profits (even if TradingRoad Limited has been advised of the possibility of such) arising in any way from including, but not limited to:

1- Any defects, viruses and any other malfunctions of any other equipment and programs in connection with accessing or using this site.

  2- Information provided on or through this website

3- interception, modification or misuse of information transmitted to TradingRoad Limited or sent to you,

4- The functioning or unavailability of this website,

5- Misuse of this website,

6- data loss,

7- Downloading or using any of the software available from this site,

8- Claims from third parties in connection with the use of this website.

Liability is also disclaimed for the directors and employees of TradingRoad Limited

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