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Invest with Trading Road Limited

When placing your money with a broker, you need to make sure your broker is secure and can endure through good and bad times. Our strong capital position, conservative balance sheet and automated risk controls are designed to protect Trading Road Limited and its clients from large trading losses.

Trading Features

We believe that less is more when it comes to our trading costs, but not our trading tools. We continually strive to offer our clients more of what they need to enhance their trading experience. Looking for a highly-tailored, customizable investment strategy? Our Portfolio Builder walks you through the process of creating investment strategies based on fundamental data and top-tier research that you can back test, adjust and use to invest. Traders who are trading large orders have access to over 30 algos, including our own Accumulate/Distribute algo which has a customizable logic to help you fill large-volume orders while adjusting to market conditions based on your criteria.

Advanced Analytics

Our trading platform offers features to meet the needs of both the occasional investor and the serious active trader. Whether you need to simply monitor your account, or want to perform in-depth analysis to create a highly tailored trading strategy using our proprietary algos and API, our platform provides the features you need to help you meet your trading and investing goals, however basic or complex they may be.

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